Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\debug\kdb\kdb_io.c Create Date:2022-07-28 11:40:02
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:int kdb_printf(const char *fmt, ...)



const char *fmt
849  va_start(ap, fmt)
850  r = vkdb_printf( direct call to kdb_printf() , fmt, ap)
851  va_end(ap)
853  Return r
kdb_send_sigkdb_send_sig - Allows kdb to send signals without exposing* signal internals. This function checks if the required locks are* available before calling the main signal code, to avoid kdb* deadlocks.
kdb_readkdb_read* This function reads a string of characters, terminated by* a newline, or by reaching the end of the supplied buffer,* from the current kernel debugger console device.* Parameters:* Returns:* Returns a pointer to the buffer containing the received
kdb_getstrkdb_getstr* Print the prompt string and read a command from the* input device.* Parameters:* buffer Address of buffer to receive command* bufsize Size of buffer in bytes* prompt Pointer to string to use as prompt string* Returns:
kdb_setkdb_set - This function implements the 'set' command. Alter an* existing environment variable or create a new one.
kdb_exec_defcmdForward references
parse_grepThe "str" argument may point to something like | grep xyz
kdb_rebootkdb_reboot - This function implements the 'reboot' command. Reboot* the system immediately, or loop for ever on failure.
kdb_localkdb_local - The main code for kdb
kdb_print_statekdb_print_state - Print the state data for the current processor* for debugging.* Inputs:* text Identifies the debug point* value Any integer value to be printed, e.g. reason code.
kdb_main_loopkdb_main_loop - After initial setup and assignment of the* controlling cpu, all cpus are in this loop
kdb_mdrkdb_mdr - This function implements the guts of the 'mdr', memory* read command.* mdr ,* Inputs:* addr Start address* count Number of bytes* Returns:* Always 0. Any errors are detected and printed by kdb_getarea.
kdb_md_linekdb_md - This function implements the 'md', 'md1', 'md2', 'md4',* 'md8' 'mdr' and 'mds' commands.* md|mds [ [ []]]* mdWcN [ [ []]]* where W = is the width (1, 2, 4 or 8) and N is the count.* for eg
kdb_mmkdb_mm - This function implements the 'mm' command.* mm address-expression new-value* Remarks:* mm works on machine words, mmW works on bytes.
kdb_gokdb_go - This function implements the 'go' command.* go [address-expression]
kdb_rmkdb_rm - This function implements the 'rm' (register modify) command.* rm register-name new-contents* Remarks:* Allows register modification with the same restrictions as gdb
kdb_lsmodkdb_lsmod - This function implements the 'lsmod' command. Lists* currently loaded kernel modules.* Mostly taken from userland lsmod.
kdb_envkdb_env - This function implements the 'env' command. Display the* current environment variables.
kdb_dmesgkdb_dmesg - This function implements the 'dmesg' command to display* the contents of the syslog buffer.* dmesg [lines] [adjust]
kdb_cpu_statuskdb_cpu - This function implements the 'cpu' command.* cpu []* Returns:* KDB_CMD_CPU for success, a kdb diagnostic if error
kdb_ps_suppressedThe user may not realize that ps/bta with no parameters does not print idle* or sleeping system daemon processes, so tell them how many were suppressed.
kdb_ps1kdb_ps - This function implements the 'ps' command which shows a* list of the active processes.* ps [DRSTCZEUIMA] All processes, optionally filtered by state
kdb_pidkdb_pid - This function implements the 'pid' command which switches* the currently active process.* pid [ | R]
kdb_helpkdb_help - This function implements the 'help' and '?' commands.
kdb_killkdb_kill - This function implements the 'kill' commands.
kdb_summarykdb_summary - This function implements the 'summary' command.
kdb_per_cpukdb_per_cpu - This function implements the 'per_cpu' command.
kdb_grep_helpdisplay help for the use of cmd | grep pattern
kdb_cmd_initExecute any commands defined in kdb_cmds.
kdbgetsymvalkdbgetsymval - Return the address of the given symbol
kdbnearsymkdbnearsym - Return the name of the symbol with the nearest address* less than 'addr'
kdb_symbol_printkdb_symbol_print - Standard method for printing a symbol name and offset
kdb_getarea_sizekdb_getarea_size - Read an area of data. The kdb equivalent of* copy_from_user, with kdb messages for invalid addresses.* Inputs:* res Pointer to the area to receive the result.* addr Address of the area to copy.* size Size of the area.* Returns:
kdb_putarea_sizekdb_putarea_size - Write an area of data. The kdb equivalent of* copy_to_user, with kdb messages for invalid addresses.* Inputs:* addr Address of the area to write to.* res Pointer to the area holding the data.* size Size of the area.* Returns:
kdb_getphyswordkdb_getphysword* Inputs:* word Pointer to the word to receive the result.* addr Address of the area to copy.* size Size of the area.* Returns:* 0 for success, < 0 for error.
kdb_getwordkdb_getword - Read a binary value. Unlike kdb_getarea, this treats* data as numbers.* Inputs:* word Pointer to the word to receive the result.* addr Address of the area to copy.* size Size of the area.* Returns:* 0 for success, < 0 for error.
kdb_putwordkdb_putword - Write a binary value. Unlike kdb_putarea, this* treats data as numbers.* Inputs:* addr Address of the area to write to..* word The value to set.* size Size of the area.* Returns:* 0 for success, < 0 for error.
kdb_print_namevalkdb_print_nameval - Print a name and its value, converting the* value to a symbol lookup if possible.* Inputs:* name field name to print* val value of field
kdb_bt1kdb_bt* This function implements the 'bt' command
kdb_bp_installkdb_bp_install* Install kdb_breakpoints prior to returning from the* kernel debugger. This allows the kdb_breakpoints to be set* upon functions that are used internally by kdb, such as* printk(). This function is only called once per kdb session.
kdb_bp_removekdb_bp_remove* Remove kdb_breakpoints upon entry to the kernel debugger.* Parameters:* None.* Outputs:* None.* Returns:* None.* Locking:* None.* Remarks:
kdb_printbpkdb_printbp* Internal function to format and print a breakpoint entry.* Parameters:* None.* Outputs:* None.* Returns:* None.* Locking:* None.* Remarks:
kdb_bpkdb_bp* Handle the bp commands
kdb_bckdb_bc* Handles the 'bc', 'be', and 'bd' commands* [bd|bc|be] * [bd|bc|be] ** Parameters:* argc Count of arguments in argv* argv Space delimited command line arguments* Outputs:* None
kdb_get_kbd_charCheck if the keyboard controller has a keypress for us.* Some parts (Enter Release, LED change) are still blocking polled here,* but hopefully they are all short.