Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\debug\kdb\kdb_support.c Create Date:2022-07-28 11:43:11
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:kdb_getphysword* Inputs:* word Pointer to the word to receive the result.* addr Address of the area to copy.* size Size of the area.* Returns:* 0 for success, < 0 for error.

Proto:int kdb_getphysword(unsigned long *word, unsigned long addr, size_t size)



unsigned long *word
unsigned longaddr
410  word = 0
413  Case size == 1
414  diag = kdb_getphys - Read data from a physical address
415  If Not diag Then word = w1
417  Break
418  Case size == 2
419  diag = kdb_getphys - Read data from a physical address
420  If Not diag Then word = w2
422  Break
423  Case size == 4
424  diag = kdb_getphys - Read data from a physical address
425  If Not diag Then word = w4
427  Break
428  Case size == 8
429  If size <= size of word Then
431  If Not diag Then word = w8
433  Break
436  Default
437  diag = KDB_BADWIDTH
438  kdb_printf("kdb_getphysword: bad width %ld\n", (long)size)
440  Return diag
kdb_md_linekdb_md - This function implements the 'md', 'md1', 'md2', 'md4',* 'md8' 'mdr' and 'mds' commands.* md|mds [ [ []]]* mdWcN [ [ []]]* where W = is the width (1, 2, 4 or 8) and N is the count.* for eg