Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\debug\kdb\kdb_bp.c Create Date:2022-07-28 11:44:12
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:kdb_bp* Handle the bp commands

Proto:static int kdb_bp(int argc, const char **argv)



const char **argv
282  char * symname = NULL
283  offset = 0ul
285  kdb_bp_t template = {0}
287  If argc == 0 Then
293  If This entry is available Then Continue
298  Return 0
301  nextarg = 1
302  diag = kdbgetaddrarg - This function is responsible for parsing an* address-expression and returning the value of the expression,* symbol name, and offset to the caller
304  If diag Then Return diag
306  If Not Address breakpoint is present at Then Return KDB_BADINT
312  When bpno < KDB_MAXBPT describes the total number of breakpoints* supported by this architecure. cycle
313  If This entry is available Then Break
317  If bpno == KDB_MAXBPT describes the total number of breakpoints* supported by this architecure. Then Return KDB_TOOMANYBPT
320  If strcmp(argv[0], "bph") == 0 Then
321  Uses hardware register = BP_HARDWARE_BREAKPOINT
322  diag = kdb_parsebp(argc, argv, & nextarg, & template)
323  If diag Then Return diag
325  Else
326  Uses hardware register = BP_BREAKPOINT
335  When i < KDB_MAXBPT describes the total number of breakpoints* supported by this architecure. cycle
339  kdb_printf("You already have a breakpoint at "kdb_bfd_vma_fmt0"\n", Address breakpoint is present at )
341  Return KDB_DUPBPT
345  Breakpoint is active in register = 1
350  bp = template
351  This entry is available = 0
353  kdb_printbp* Internal function to format and print a breakpoint entry.* Parameters:* None.* Outputs:* None.* Returns:* None.* Locking:* None.* Remarks:
355  Return 0