
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\irq\settings.h Create Date:2022-07-27 11:08:16
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数原型:static inline bool irq_settings_is_per_cpu_devid(struct irq_desc *desc)



struct irq_desc *desc
51  返回:cpu访问掩码按位与_IRQ_PER_CPU_DEVID
kstat_irqskstat_irqs - Get the statistics for an interrupt*@irq: The interrupt number* Returns the sum of interrupt counts on all cpus since boot for*@irq. The caller must ensure that the interrupt is not removed* concurrently.
irq_wake_threadq_wake_thread - wake the irq thread for the action identified by dev_id*@irq: Interrupt line*@dev_id: Device identity for which the thread should be woken
remove_irqmove_irq - free an interrupt*@irq: Interrupt line to free*@act: irqaction for the interrupt* Used to remove interrupts statically setup by the early boot process.
free_irq_irq - free an interrupt allocated with request_irq*@irq: Interrupt line to free*@dev_id: Device identity to free* Remove an interrupt handler
request_nmiquest_nmi - allocate an interrupt line for NMI delivery*@irq: Interrupt line to allocate*@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs
remove_percpu_irqmove_percpu_irq - free a per-cpu interrupt*@irq: Interrupt line to free*@act: irqaction for the interrupt* Used to remove interrupts statically setup by the early boot process.
free_percpu_irq_percpu_irq - free an interrupt allocated with request_percpu_irq*@irq: Interrupt line to free*@dev_id: Device identity to free* Remove a percpu interrupt handler. The handler is removed, but* the interrupt line is not disabled. This must be done on each
setup_percpu_irqsetup_percpu_irq - setup a per-cpu interrupt*@irq: Interrupt line to setup*@act: irqaction for the interrupt* Used to statically setup per-cpu interrupts in the early boot process.
__request_percpu_irq__request_percpu_irq - allocate a percpu interrupt line*@irq: Interrupt line to allocate*@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs
request_percpu_nmiquest_percpu_nmi - allocate a percpu interrupt line for NMI delivery*@irq: Interrupt line to allocate*@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs