
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\irq\manage.c Create Date:2022-07-27 11:10:24
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:__request_percpu_irq - allocate a percpu interrupt line*@irq: Interrupt line to allocate*@handler: Function to be called when the IRQ occurs

函数原型:int __request_percpu_irq(unsigned int irq, irq_handler_t handler, unsigned long flags, const char *devname, void __percpu *dev_id)



unsigned intirq
unsigned longflags
const char *devname
void __percpu *dev_id
2416  如果非dev_id则返回:负EINVAL
2419  desc等于中断转换为描述
2420  如果非desc或非设置请求参数或非irq_settings_is_per_cpu_devid(desc)则返回:负EINVAL
2424  如果flagsflags不等于IRQF_TIMER则返回:负EINVAL
2427  action等于分配内存并置零
2428  如果非action则返回:负ENOMEM
2431  中断处理函数等于handler
2432  中断动作标志等于flags按位或IRQF_PERCPU按位或IRQF_NO_SUSPEND
2433  设备名等于devname
2434  percpu_dev_id等于dev_id
2436  retval等于q_chip_pm_get - Enable power for an IRQ chip*@data: Pointer to interrupt specific data* Enable the power to the IRQ chip referenced by the interrupt data* structure.
2437  如果retval小于0则
2438  释放内存
2439  返回:retval
2442  retval等于注册中断
2444  如果retval
2445  q_chip_pm_put - Disable power for an IRQ chip*@data: Pointer to interrupt specific data* Disable the power to the IRQ chip referenced by the interrupt data* structure, belongs. Note that power will only be disabled, once this
2446  释放内存
2449  返回:retval