Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\tomoyo\network.c Create Date:2022-07-28 19:44:45
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:moyo_print_ip - Print an IP address.*@buf: Buffer to write to.*@size: Size of @buf.*@ptr: Pointer to "struct ipaddr_union".* Returns nothing.

Proto:void tomoyo_print_ip(char *buf, const unsigned int size, const struct tomoyo_ipaddr_union *ptr)



char *buf
const unsigned intsize
const struct tomoyo_ipaddr_union *ptr
127  If Valid only if @group == NULL. Then moyo_print_ipv6 - Print an IPv6 address.*@buffer: Buffer to write to.*@buffer_len: Size of @buffer.*@min_ip: Pointer to "struct in6_addr".*@max_ip: Pointer to "struct in6_addr".* Returns nothing.
129  Else moyo_print_ipv4 - Print an IPv4 address.*@buffer: Buffer to write to.*@buffer_len: Size of @buffer.*@min_ip: Pointer to __be32.*@max_ip: Pointer to __be32.* Returns nothing.
tomoyo_read_groupmoyo_read_group - Read "struct tomoyo_path_group"/"struct tomoyo_number_group"/"struct tomoyo_address_group" list.*@head: Pointer to "struct tomoyo_io_buffer".*@idx: Index number.* Returns true on success, false otherwise.* Caller holds tomoyo_read_lock().