Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\smack\smack_lsm.c Create Date:2022-07-28 19:21:13
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:smack_file_ioctl - Smack check on ioctls*@file: the object*@cmd: what to do*@arg: unused* Relies heavily on the correct use of the ioctl command conventions.* Returns 0 if allowed, error code otherwise

Proto:static int smack_file_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)



struct file *file
unsigned intcmd
unsigned longarg
1555  rc = 0
1557  inode = file_inode(file)
1559  If Value for the false possibility is greater at compile time(IS_PRIVATE(inode)) Then Return 0
1562  some inline functions to set up audit data* they do nothing if CONFIG_AUDIT is not set
1563  smk_ad_setfield_u_fs_path( & ad, f_path)
1565  If _IOC_DIR(cmd) & _IOC_WRITE Then
1566  rc = smk_curacc - determine if current has a specific access to an object*@obj_known: a pointer to the object's Smack label entry*@mode: the access requested, in "MAY" format*@a : common audit data* This function checks the current subject label/object label
1567  rc = smk_bu_file(file, MAY_WRITE, rc)
1570  If rc == 0 && _IOC_DIR(cmd) & _IOC_READ Then
1571  rc = smk_curacc - determine if current has a specific access to an object*@obj_known: a pointer to the object's Smack label entry*@mode: the access requested, in "MAY" format*@a : common audit data* This function checks the current subject label/object label
1572  rc = smk_bu_file(file, MAY_READ, rc)
1575  Return rc