
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\apparmor\lib.c Create Date:2022-07-27 21:27:57
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:aa_perms_accum - accumulate perms, masking off overlapping perms*@accum - perms struct to accumulate into*@addend - perms struct to add to @accum

函数原型:void aa_perms_accum(struct aa_perms *accum, struct aa_perms *addend)



struct aa_perms *accum
struct aa_perms *addend
369  explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set 或等于 explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set
370  allow与等于allow按位与 explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set 的反
371  set only when allow is set 或等于 set only when allow is set 按位与allow
372  set only when ~allow | deny 与等于 set only when ~allow | deny 按位与allow的反
373  set only when ~allow | deny 或等于 set only when ~allow | deny 按位与allow的反
374  set only when ~allow | deny 或等于 set only when ~allow | deny 按位与allow的反
375  accumulates only used when ~allow & ~deny 或等于 accumulates only used when ~allow & ~deny 按位与allow的反按位与 explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set 的反
376  set only when ~allow and ~deny 或等于 set only when ~allow and ~deny 按位与allow的反按位与 explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set 的反
377  set only when ~allow | deny 与等于 set only when ~allow | deny 按位与allow的反
378  accumulates only used when ~allow & ~deny 或等于 accumulates only used when ~allow & ~deny 按位与allow的反按位与 explicit deny, or conflict if allow also set 的反
label_components_matchlabel_components_match - find perms for all subcomponents of a label*@profile: profile to find perms for*@label: label to check access permissions for*@stack: whether this is a stacking request*@start: state to start match in*@subns: whether to do
label_components_matchlabel_components_match - find perms for all subcomponents of a label*@profile: profile to find perms for*@label: label to check access permissions for*@start: state to start match in*@subns: whether to do permission checks on components in a