Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:security\apparmor\include\task.h Create Date:2022-07-28 19:49:38
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:aa_clear_task_ctx_trans - clear transition tracking info from the ctx*@ctx: task context to clear (NOT NULL)

Proto:static inline void aa_clear_task_ctx_trans(struct aa_task_ctx *ctx)



struct aa_task_ctx *ctx
71  AA_BUG(!ctx)
73  aa_put_label(previous)
74  aa_put_label(onexec)
75  previous = NULL
76  onexec = NULL
77  token = 0
aa_replace_current_labelaa_replace_current_label - replace the current tasks label*@label: new label (NOT NULL)* Returns: 0 or error on failure
aa_restore_previous_labelaa_restore_previous_label - exit from hat context restoring previous label*@token: the token that must be matched to exit hat context* Attempt to return out of a hat to the previous label
apparmor_bprm_committed_credsapparmor_bprm_committed_cred - do cleanup after new creds committed*@bprm: binprm for the exec (NOT NULL)