Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:mm\swap_cgroup.c Create Date:2022-07-28 16:15:45
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static struct swap_cgroup *lookup_swap_cgroup(swp_entry_t ent, struct swap_cgroup_ctrl **ctrlp)

Type:struct swap_cgroup


struct swap_cgroup_ctrl **ctrlp
79  offset = Extract the `offset' field from a swp_entry_t. The swp_entry_t is in* arch-independent format
82  ctrl = swap_cgroup_ctrl[Extract the `type' field from a swp_entry_t. The swp_entry_t is in* arch-independent format]
83  If ctrlp Then ctrlp = ctrl
85  Return __lookup_swap_cgroup(ctrl, offset)
swap_cgroup_cmpxchgswap_cgroup_cmpxchg - cmpxchg mem_cgroup's id for this swp_entry.*@ent: swap entry to be cmpxchged*@old: old id*@new: new id* Returns old id at success, 0 at failure.* (There is no mem_cgroup using 0 as its id)
swap_cgroup_recordswap_cgroup_record - record mem_cgroup for a set of swap entries*@ent: the first swap entry to be recorded into*@id: mem_cgroup to be recorded*@nr_ents: number of swap entries to be recorded* Returns old value at success, 0 at failure.
lookup_swap_cgroup_idlookup_swap_cgroup_id - lookup mem_cgroup id tied to swap entry*@ent: swap entry to be looked up.* Returns ID of mem_cgroup at success. 0 at failure. (0 is invalid ID)