Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:mm\kmemleak.c Create Date:2022-07-28 16:21:09
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:Objects are considered unreferenced only if their color is white, they have* not be deleted and have a minimum age to avoid false positives caused by* pointers temporarily stored in CPU registers.

Proto:static bool unreferenced_object(struct kmemleak_object *object)



struct kmemleak_object *object
325  Return Object colors, encoded with count and min_count:* - white - orphan object, not enough references to it (count < min_count)* - gray - not orphan, not marked as false positive (min_count == 0) or* sufficient references to it (count >= min_count) && bject status flags & lag representing the memory block allocation status && time_before_eq(creation timestamp + used to avoid reporting of recently allocated objects , jiffies_last_scan)
kmemleak_scanScan data sections and all the referenced memory blocks allocated via the* kernel's standard allocators. This function must be called with the* scan_mutex held.
kmemleak_seq_showPrint the information for an unreferenced object to the seq file.
kmemleak_clearWe use grey instead of black to ensure we can do future scans on the same* objects. If we did not do future scans these black objects could* potentially contain references to newly allocated objects in the future and* we'd end up with false positives.