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Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\trace\trace_events_hist.c Create Date:2022-07-28 12:30:26
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:reate_var_ref - Create a variable reference and attach it to trigger*@hist_data: The trigger that will be referencing the variable*@var_field: The VAR field to create a reference to*@system: The optional system string*@event_name: The optional event_name

Proto:static struct hist_field *create_var_ref(struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data, struct hist_field *var_field, char *system, char *event_name)

Type:struct hist_field


struct hist_trigger_data *hist_data
struct hist_field *var_field
char *system
char *event_name
2691  flags = HIST_FIELD_FL_VAR_REF
2696  When i < n_var_refs cycle
2697  ref_field = var_refs[i]
2698  If idx == idx && hist_data == hist_data Then
2701  Return ref_field
2705  ref_field = create_hist_field(hist_data, NULL, flags, NULL)
2706  If ref_field Then
2709  Return NULL
2712  var_refs[n_var_refs] = ref_field
2713  * When a histogram trigger is hit, if it has any references * to variables, the values of those variables are collected * into a var_ref_vals array by resolve_var_refs(). The * current value of each variable is read from the tracing_map * using the hist fi = n_var_refs++
2716  Return ref_field