Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\sched\wait.c Create Date:2022-07-28 09:40:47
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:Note! These two wait functions are entered with the* case), so there is no race with testing the wakeup* condition in the caller before they add the wait* entry to the wake queue.

Proto:int do_wait_intr(wait_queue_head_t *wq, wait_queue_entry_t *wait)



wait_queue_head_t *wq
wait_queue_entry_t *waitqueue lock held (and interrupts off in the _irq
320  If Value is more likely to compile time(list_empty - tests whether a list is empty*@head: the list to test.) Then __add_wait_queue_entry_tail(wq, queue lock held (and interrupts off in the _irq)
323  set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
324  If signal_pending(current process) Then Return -These should never be seen by user programs. To return one of ERESTART** codes, signal_pending() MUST be set. Note that ptrace can observe these* at syscall exit tracing, but they will never be left for the debugged user* process to see.
327  spin_unlock( & lock)
328  schedule()
329  spin_lock( & lock)
331  Return 0