Function report |
Source Code:kernel\irq\timings.c |
Create Date:2022-07-28 10:12:18 |
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 | Copyright©Brick |
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Proto:static u64 __irq_timings_next_event(struct irqt_stat *irqs, int irq, u64 now)
Type | Parameter | Name |
struct irqt_stat * | irqs | |
int | irq | |
u64 | now |
386 | If now - last_ts >= NSEC_PER_SEC Then |
396 | period_max = If count > 3 * PREDICTION_PERIOD_MAX Then PREDICTION_PERIOD_MAX Else count / 3 |
403 | If period_max <= PREDICTION_PERIOD_MIN Then Return U64_MAX |
409 | count = If count < IRQ_TIMINGS_SIZE Then count Else IRQ_TIMINGS_SIZE |
412 | start = If count < IRQ_TIMINGS_SIZE Then 0 Else count & IRQ_TIMINGS_MASK |
422 | index = start + i & IRQ_TIMINGS_MASK |
424 | timings[i] = circ_timings[index] |
Name | Describe |
irq_timings_next_event | q_timings_next_event - Return when the next event is supposed to arrive* During the last busy cycle, the number of interrupts is incremented* and stored in the irq_timings structure |
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