Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:kernel\groups.c Create Date:2022-07-28 09:35:06
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:set_current_groups - Change current's group subscription*@group_info: The group list to impose* Validate a group subscription and, if valid, impose it upon current's task* security record.

Proto:int set_current_groups(struct group_info *group_info)



struct group_info *group_info
143  new = prepare_creds - Prepare a new set of credentials for modification* Prepare a new set of task credentials for modification
144  If Not new Then Return -ENOMEM
147  set_groups - Change a group subscription in a set of credentials*@new: The newly prepared set of credentials to alter*@group_info: The group list to install
148  Return mmit_creds - Install new credentials upon the current task*@new: The credentials to be assigned* Install a new set of credentials to the current task, using RCU to replace* the old set. Both the objective and the subjective credentials pointers are
SYSCALL_DEFINE2SMP: Our groups are copy-on-write. We can set them safely* without another task interfering.