Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:include\rdma\ib_verbs.h Create Date:2022-07-28 07:14:26
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:dma_alloc_hw_stats_struct - Helper function to allocate dynamic struct* for drivers.*@names - Array of static const char **@num_counters - How many elements in array*@lifespan - How many milliseconds between updates

Proto:static inline struct rdma_hw_stats *rdma_alloc_hw_stats_struct(const char *const *names, int num_counters, unsigned long lifespan)

Type:struct rdma_hw_stats


const char *const *names
unsigned longlifespan
577  stats = kzalloc - allocate memory. The memory is set to zero.*@size: how many bytes of memory are required.*@flags: the type of memory to allocate (see kmalloc).
579  If Not stats Then Return NULL
581  names = names
582  num_counters = num_counters
583  lifespan = msecs_to_jiffies: - convert milliseconds to jiffies*@m: time in milliseconds* conversion is done as follows:* - negative values mean 'infinite timeout' (MAX_JIFFY_OFFSET)* - 'too large' values [that would result in larger than
585  Return stats