Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:include\linux\xarray.h Create Date:2022-07-28 05:42:16
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static inline struct xa_node *xa_to_node(const void *entry)

Type:struct xa_node


const void *entry
1218  Return entry - 2
xas_startStarts a walk. If the @xas is already valid, we assume that it's on* the right path and just return where we've got to. If we're in an* error state, return NULL. If the index is outside the current scope
xas_loadxas_load() - Load an entry from the XArray (advanced).*@xas: XArray operation state.* Usually walks the @xas to the appropriate state to load the entry* stored at xa_index. However, it will do nothing and return %NULL if*@xas is in an error state
max_indexThe maximum index that can be contained in the array without expanding it
xas_free_nodesxas_free_nodes() - Free this node and all nodes that it references*@xas: Array operation state.*@top: Node to free* This node has been removed from the tree. We must now free it and all* of its subnodes
xas_expandxas_expand adds nodes to the head of the tree until it has reached* sufficient height to be able to contain @xas->xa_index
xas_createxas_create() - Create a slot to store an entry in.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@allow_root: %true if we can store the entry in the root directly* Most users will not need to call this function directly, as it is called* by xas_store()
xas_storexas_store() - Store this entry in the XArray
__xas_prev__xas_prev() - Find the previous entry in the XArray.*@xas: XArray operation state.* Helper function for xas_prev() which handles all the complex cases* out of line.
__xas_next__xas_next() - Find the next entry in the XArray.*@xas: XArray operation state.* Helper function for xas_next() which handles all the complex cases* out of line.
xas_findxas_find() - Find the next present entry in the XArray
xas_find_markedxas_find_marked() - Find the next marked entry in the XArray.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@max: Highest index to return.*@mark: Mark number to search for.* If the @xas has not yet been walked to an entry, return the marked entry
xas_find_conflictxas_find_conflict() - Find the next present entry in a range.*@xas: XArray operation state.* The @xas describes both a range and a position within that range.* Context: Any context. Expects xa_lock to be held.
xa_get_markxa_get_mark() - Inquire whether this mark is set on this entry.*@xa: XArray.*@index: Index of entry.*@mark: Mark number.* This function uses the RCU read lock, so the result may be out of date* by the time it returns
xa_destroyxa_destroy() - Free all internal data structures.*@xa: XArray.* After calling this function, the XArray is empty and has freed all memory* allocated for its internal data structures. You are responsible for* freeing the objects referenced by the XArray.