Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:include\linux\xarray.h Create Date:2022-07-28 05:42:10
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Name:xa_marked() - Inquire whether any entry in this array has a mark set*@xa: Array*@mark: Mark value* Context: Any context.* Return: %true if any entry has this mark set.

Proto:static inline bool xa_marked(const struct xarray *xa, xa_mark_t mark)



const struct xarray *xa
416  Return private: The rest of the data structure is not to be used directly. & XA_FLAGS_MARK(mark)
xas_expandxas_expand adds nodes to the head of the tree until it has reached* sufficient height to be able to contain @xas->xa_index
xas_get_markxas_get_mark() - Returns the state of this mark.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@mark: Mark number.* Return: true if the mark is set, false if the mark is clear or @xas* is in an error state.
xas_set_markxas_set_mark() - Sets the mark on this entry and its parents.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@mark: Mark number.* Sets the specified mark on this entry, and walks up the tree setting it* on all the ancestor entries
xas_clear_markxas_clear_mark() - Clears the mark on this entry and its parents.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@mark: Mark number.* Clears the specified mark on this entry, and walks back to the head* attempting to clear it on all the ancestor entries. Does nothing if
xas_find_markedxas_find_marked() - Find the next marked entry in the XArray.*@xas: XArray operation state.*@max: Highest index to return.*@mark: Mark number to search for.* If the @xas has not yet been walked to an entry, return the marked entry