Function report |
Source Code:include\linux\suspend.h |
Create Date:2022-07-28 05:57:46 |
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 | Copyright©Brick |
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Proto:static inline void pm_wakeup_clear(bool reset)
Type | Parameter | Name |
bool | reset |
Name | Describe |
freeze_processes | ze_processes - Signal user space processes to enter the refrigerator.* The current thread will not be frozen. The same process that calls* freeze_processes must later call thaw_processes.* On success, returns 0 |
s2idle_loop |
Source code conversion tool public plug-in interface | X |
Support c/c++/esqlc/java Oracle/Informix/Mysql Plug-in can realize: logical Report Code generation and batch code conversion |