Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:include\linux\irqdesc.h Create Date:2022-07-28 07:32:46
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static inline unsigned int irq_desc_get_irq(struct irq_desc *desc)

Type:unsigned int


struct irq_desc *desc
127  Return irq
handle_bad_irqhandle_bad_irq - handle spurious and unhandled irqs*@desc: description of the interrupt* Handles spurious and unhandled IRQ's. It also prints a debugmessage.
__report_bad_irqIf 99,900 of the previous 100,000 interrupts have not been handled* then assume that the IRQ is stuck in some manner
handle_fasteoi_nmihandle_fasteoi_nmi - irq handler for NMI interrupt lines*@desc: the interrupt description structure for this irq* A simple NMI-safe handler, considering the restrictions* from request_nmi.* Only a single callback will be issued to the chip: an ->eoi()
handle_percpu_devid_irqhandle_percpu_devid_irq - Per CPU local irq handler with per cpu dev ids*@desc: the interrupt description structure for this irq* Per CPU interrupts on SMP machines without locking requirements
handle_percpu_devid_fasteoi_nmihandle_percpu_devid_fasteoi_nmi - Per CPU local NMI handler with per cpu* dev ids*@desc: the interrupt description structure for this irq* Similar to handle_fasteoi_nmi, but handling the dev_id cookie* as a percpu pointer.