Function report

Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:fs\quota\quota.c Create Date:2022-07-28 20:33:41
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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Proto:static void copy_qcinfo_from_xfs_dqblk(struct qc_info *dst, struct fs_disk_quota *src)



struct qc_info *dst
struct fs_disk_quota *src
537  memset(dst, 0, size of dst )
538  Time after which space softlimit is* enforced = similar to above; for disk blocks
539  Ditto for inode softlimit = zero if within inode limits
540  Ditto for real-time space = similar to above; for RT disk blks
541  Limit for number of inode warnings = # warnings issued wrt num inodes
542  Limit for number of space warnings = # warnings issued wrt disk blocks
543  Ditto for real-time space = # warnings issued wrt RT disk blks
544  If field specifier & Warning counts are set in both super user's dquot and others. For others,* warnings are set/cleared by the administrators (or automatically by going* below the soft limit). Superusers warning values set the warning limits* for the rest Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_SPC_WARNS
546  If field specifier & FS_DQ_IWARNS Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_INO_WARNS
548  If field specifier & FS_DQ_RTBWARNS Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_RT_SPC_WARNS
550  If field specifier & These timers can only be set in super user's dquot. For others, timers are* automatically started and stopped. Superusers timer values set the limits* for the rest. In case these values are zero, the DQ_{F,B}TIMELIMIT values* defined below are used. Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_SPC_TIMER
552  If field specifier & FS_DQ_ITIMER Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_INO_TIMER
554  If field specifier & FS_DQ_RTBTIMER Then mask of fields to change in ->set_info() |= QC_RT_SPC_TIMER