
Linux Kernel


Brick Technologies Co., Ltd

Source Code:block\partitions\ldm.c Create Date:2022-07-27 19:03:57
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 Copyright©Brick
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函数名称:ldm_ldmdb_add - Adds a raw VBLK entry to the ldmdb database*@data: Raw VBLK to add to the database*@len: Size of the raw VBLK*@ldb: Cache of the database structures* The VBLKs are sorted into categories. Partitions are also sorted by offset.* N

函数原型:static bool ldm_ldmdb_add(u8 *data, int len, struct ldmdb *ldb)



u8 *data
struct ldmdb *ldb
1170  BUG_ON(!data || !ldb)
1172  vb等于开辟内存
1173  如果非vb
1174  ldm_crit("Out of memory.")
1175  返回:false
1178  如果非ldm_parse_vblk - Read a raw VBLK object into a vblk structure*@buf: Block of data being worked on*@len: Size of the block of data*@vb: In-memory vblk in which to return information* Read a raw VBLK object into a vblk structure
1179  释放内存
1180  返回:false
1185  :type恒等于Disk Group, version 3
1188  退出
1189  :type恒等于Disk, version 3
1190  :type恒等于Disk, version 4
1192  退出
1193  :type恒等于Volume, version 5
1195  退出
1198  退出
1203  如果disk_id恒等于disk_id VBLK Partition 大于 VBLK Partition
1206  返回:true
1209  添加链表项
1210  退出
1212  返回:true
ldm_frag_commitldm_frag_commit - Validate fragmented VBLKs and add them to the database*@frags: Linked list of VBLK fragments*@ldb: Cache of the database structures* Now that all the fragmented VBLKs have been collected, they must be added to* the database for later use
ldm_get_vblksldm_get_vblks - Read the on-disk database of VBLKs into memory*@state: Partition check state including device holding the LDM Database*@base: Offset, into @state->bdev, of the database*@ldb: Cache of the database structures* To use the information from