Function report |
Source Code:arch\x86\kernel\e820.c |
Create Date:2022-07-28 07:43:34 |
Last Modify:2020-03-12 14:18:49 | Copyright©Brick |
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Name:Pass the firmware (bootloader) E820 map to the kernel and process it:
Proto:char *__init e820__memory_setup_default(void)
1229 | who = "BIOS-e820" |
1244 | Else |
1249 | nr_entries = 0 |
1250 | e820__range_add(0, Do NOT EVER look at the BIOS memory size location.* It does not work on many machines.(), E820_TYPE_RAM) |
1251 | e820__range_add(HIGH_MEMORY, mem_size << 10, E820_TYPE_RAM) |
1255 | e820__update_table(e820_table) |
1257 | Return who |
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